Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Look at the difference a day (okay 4) can make

My doors. What can I say about them? They came with the house.

I love my blue house. It's a loooooong story, but it's been this blue most of my life. Growing up across the street it's just what it's supposed to look like.

But at some point there has to be enough blue. The house is blue. The pool house is blue. The pump house is blue. Even the side of our neighbors garage that is in our backyard is blue. And as you might have noticed from previous pictures, our pool is blue.

So as you might have figured...my doors are blue.
Big surprise right?

Before I'd even talked Shawn into the porch I knew I wanted to paint the doors. I decided to do the same technique I did on the tables in the living room.

I did the back door first. Two coats of black and then the sanding. That's my favorite part. Since this door was already showing its age I let it have it. My sanding block was hot! Then Shawn looked at it and said it wasn't nearly enough. I got a sheet of rougher sand paper and went back at it. After the glaze and three coats of poly I was thrilled!!

I was so anxious that I forgot a before picture. So please accept this. You might have to squint and sit really close to the screen.And now the after.I am so glad this banged up, gouged scratch now looks like it belongs.As I walked up to my front door with the sanding block I held my hand out and just couldn't do it. My front door is different. It's grander somehow. Not that we live in a mansion or anything, but it is a more formal entrance than my back door. I had to have a second opinion. I called my neighbor whose house is beautiful. She couldn't come until the next day so I went to bed tormented.

When she came over the next day she oohed and ahhed over them both but her honest opinion...don't sand it. I was so glad to have her opinion that I just took it and thanked her. Three coats of poly and it was perfect.But then the grapevine wreath horseshoe (as we lovingly call it) just didn't stand up to the grandeur of the door. And after the porch was done it really looked bad.

A quick trip to Hobby Lobby where flowers were half price (or Shawn would have killed me), and I had the look I was going for. Now I need to find another home project to work on.

Coming soon...my new front porch light!


  1. Looks beautiful! I'll have to drive by and see it in person.

  2. it looks awesome! nothing feels better than a when a home improvement project is finished.

  3. Your doors look great! Just found your blog, love it:) Became a follower ;)

  4. Happy everything? Even Flag Day!? Hehehe...

  5. OK dear Niece, I have plenty of work in Lubbock! Come on down. The home improvement projects are never going to stop at my place after that hail storm in April!!!!!!!!!!!

    Looks Wonderful :)))


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