Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm having a baby!

Well, that's a title that will get some attention now isn't it?

Actually I'm not having a baby...I had a 16 year old.

I've written before about Ashley. I truly believe that God brought her into my life for a reason. I can't share everything, but she is dealing with some really horrible struggles that no one of that age should have to handle. She is a Christ follower but feels all alone. If it weren't for texts and free calling after 9 p.m., I don't know where she'd be.

On our last visit there we didn't get to spend much time alone together talking but we did have some fun group times.

She is a joy.She is the big sister McKinley has always wanted.The soccer challenge that Shawn has been looking for.A helpful neighbor.A sure laugh.And travel sized for my convenience. Sadly I couldn't kidnap her and bring her to Oklahoma with us. But we are talking to her about Oklahoma colleges!


  1. Whoa!!!
    That was startlin'!
    We thought about it once...and only once.
    He's too old and I'm too tired.

  2. Bless Ashley. A miracle her awaits her. It sounds like the miracle is you.

  3. How am I suppose to get Amelia through high school if you kidnapp Ashley to OK? She has been adopted by our family!


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