Thursday, June 25, 2009

VBS-full contact?

My VBS experiences have luckily gotten better since I started. McKinley's first year, at 4, was awful. I was her group leader and suddenly found myself in charge of 8 children who couldn't go to the bathroom alone, couldn't all walk the same direction at once, and couldn't listen to me!

The next year I gladly accepted an offer to work in crafts. I did that for five years and although I had glue, glitter, and paint in places I don't understand, I did enjoy it.

Then the Holy Grail of jobs became mine. Walk around, take pictures, put them on a flash drive, and hand them to the youth pastor in the morning for a slide show. I loved seeing everyone in all the different areas and most importantly, being able to go to the Hospitality Room at any time for a little snackie poo:c) That was my job for two wonderful years. Then we were given that amazing opportunity to go to Disney World during VBS last year and my job was given away. This year with a new children's pastor the job was not even an option.

When I mentioned this to a friend I was suddenly a snack helper. Snacks, okay, I can do that. See some cute kiddos, eat some stray snacks, and still hit the Hospitality Room. It's all about the munching. Monday morning I was there ready to go. Sadly, that meant GO. In my first 30 minutes I had walked about half a mile delivering napkins. My coccyx was ticked off. I limped to my friend and told her I was crumbling. Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, she sent me to the Hospitality Room.

I couldn't believe it. It was my mecca. No sweet little children with bathroom issues. No heat exposure. Just snacks. For adults. Chatting. Air conditioning. And did I mention the food?

I loved every minute of it. Well, almost. I didn't want to go on Friday.

Chocolate fountain day.Gag me with a silver spoon.

I stood by the coffee pot all morning to get hits of fresh air.

So as I was enjoying my new job (which I've requested for the next few years) how can this be explained?And these?You might have to just believe me on this, but they're bruises.

Go figure.

Maybe The Hospitality Room isn't all it's cracked up to be.


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