Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Teens...they can't be trusted

So what happens when you give a pre-teen your camera while driving on an unfamiliar highway?
And when you're busy helping out family and tell your teenage daughter to go take some pictures of shed construction for you?Yep, they can't be trusted.

But boy are they cute:c)


  1. Like mother, like daughters....when left to their own devices....does this ring a bell!!

    "And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships". ~Victoria Secunda


  2. Ha Ha, you get what I get! A BIG surprise every time I upload pictures! Never know what I will find on my camera.

    I need copies of these pics!!!

  3. Hubby and I went to the Grand Opening of the I Love This Bar & Grill last night in Mesa, Arizona. I posted about in my blog today - check it out. Is the one in Oklahoma like this one or are they all unique? We had a GREAT time!

  4. i love me in the pics!!!!! and me and McKinley and i at my house in the sun-room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. NEVER trust a pre-teen or a teen with a camera, or even an older cousin who loves taking the photos, with a camera


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