Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Senior Pictures

So in my quest to become a photographer I'm struggling with how to better myself. I can of course always take pictures of my own children, but we all will eventually get tired of that.

I must admit I am slightly afraid to take pictures of other people.

What if they don't turn out?
How much should I charge?
What if their children won't listen to me? And they don't seem willing to help?

Okay, yes, I'm a sissy.

But then I got the request from my Aunt Carrie. Would I be willing to take my cousin Tyler's senior pictures while I was in town? I told her sure. After all, she already likes me and is also a photographer. If mine turned out awful she could certainly take her own.

The next hurdle?

Talking Tyler into it.

For a guy as honestly good looking as he is, he's not a big fan of having his picture taken. Considering he's had a camera in his face for most of his life he really doesn't enjoy it now.

Luckily with threats from his mom and begging from his 'favorite' cousin, we made some magic:)

Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty proud of these.

Aunt Carrie captured this great one!

And it all came together to make this.
So a big thanks to Aunt Carrie for trusting me.

And an even bigger thanks to Tyler for being so hot and somewhat willing:)


  1. The pictures look awesome! You can come take pictures of my kids anytime!

  2. Thanks Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so happy with the results. Maybe some day I can afford photoshop!

    Aunt Carrie!


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