Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's my birfday!!

Update-I count myself truly blessed to have so many friends that take the time to wish me a happy birthday. To those of you that I know and those of you I may never meet; thank you. It was a wonderful day and you all made it that way!

Stefunk to the C:)

And I'm not going to cry this year!

Last year was miserable.

So, basically, it can only get better.

So what are my big plans this year? None of my own, once again.

I will be getting everyone off to school; working on the charity auction I'm a part of; getting the girls from school; getting McKinley if full makeup, hair, and costume; and attending the first of three nights of the all school musical that she's in.

I guess such is the life of a mom. I will be surrounded by the people I love so that will be a gift in itself.

But next year...I'm thinking about a destination birthday:c)


  1. So, no more auctions next year, no more musicals, and Shawn can't go switching jobs!!!! I'm sensing a tropical location!!!

  2. Happy Birthday. Hope it's a great one.

  3. Happy Birthday ! I hope you enjoy your day!

  4. Happy Birthday! A destination birthday sounds like a great idea - either that or the school needs to change the date of the musical... :-)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Cruises are nice...just a thought.

  6. Stay 25.
    You could totally pull it off. That's what I did....well...35 in my case.
    No tears, today is so beautiful...have a great day!!

    Mine is in 6 days and I am going all's all about and more :)
    I hope you had a great day!

  8. Just wanted to stop in and say that I hope you had a great day today!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    I hope it was soooo much better than last year!

  10. Sorry I am a bit late Steph.....hope you had a wonderful bithday yesterday and pleased to hear you were surrounded by people you love and who love you.

    Big hugs

  11. Hope your birthday weekend was better than last year1


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