Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So here I sit on my couch.

Back in Oklahoma.

Not Tucson.


But visions of the beautiful weekend and the wedding are dancing in my head.

Scott's grandma married my grandpa when I was one and before he was born. His parents divorced when he was 18 months and he spent many years flying back and forth being with both parents. Since we were both being raised by single moms we would spend some time during the summers living with our grandparents in Colorado.

I just loved him! He was like the little brother I always wanted. He'd do anything I said!

As we got older his mom remarried and they moved to Washington. This was before e-mail and Facebook so we didn't have much contact. I kept up with him through grandma and saw him every once in a while. After graduating from Arizona State he moved to San Francisco. That's where he met the love of his life.

When the invitation came I told Shawn there was no way I could miss that wedding. Luckily he agreed with me and bought me a ticket!

The customary hugs and posed pictures started as soon as we got to the rehearsal.

The wedding site was beautiful and I wandered around taking pictures while they rehearsed. What a weekend to have a wedding. In Tucson. During March Madness. Yep, Arizona's Wildcats were in the NCAA basketball playoffs. The rehearsal dinner was on the campus.Luckily we didn't head that way until after the game. But since they lost I was concerned about what state we'd find people in.

No unsavories were found and I had a blast with the wedding party and the family.

At this point in the first day I'd taken 100 pictures and realized I wasn't in a single one! So, what is a girl to do? The long arm shot. I put my Aunt Patsy in with me so I didn't look quite as foolish!Saturday morning found me here.With this view.(And please no remarks about the glare off my white legs Aunt Carrie!!)

And this.I could have stayed poolside for the rest of the trip....but I happily got up and went to get ready for the wedding.

I just couldn't wait!

Stay tuned for the wedding pictures...and the obvious sunburn that I got:o/


  1. Which picture did you choose for the bride? Also, what surprises did you find when you got home?

  2. Looks like the weather cooperated for you.

  3. Awe, no comments!!! Take away all my fun!
    Oh well, the pictures are great. I love the butterfuly.


Comments?? I LOVE comments!