Friday, March 27, 2009

Tucson, Here I Come!

Well, actually...Tucson Here I Am!

So......Hello from Tucson, Arizona!

I started this post before I left...but life got in the way.

So here I sit, in my hotel room in Tucson.

I am so lucky to have the chance to be here for my cousin Scott's wedding.

He is marrying a bee-u-tee-ful girl named Adrienne. They are an adorable couple and I'm so glad I get to be here for it!
So I'm warning you now...get ready for all things wedding for the next few days.

Oh, and flowers. Everything is blooming here!!


  1. Talk wedding but please don't talk flowers. It is chilllllllly here with good chances of snow. I'm glad you had a good flight. Have a blast!

  2. I'm glad you survived the flight. Also glad I could keep you company (text wise at least) on the drive to the hotel!

  3. Can't wait for the pics. Wish I was there with you.


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