Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yes, I'm psychic:)

Did you know that about me? I don't think we've ever talked about it before. What with all the running and cooking and fundraising I must have forgotten to mention it.

Recently, after dropping the girls off at school, I had that psychic feeling come over me.

I sensed that the teenage boy at the end of our street was in trouble.

As I got closer to his driveway my feeling was confirmed.

I know. It's a gift:)


  1. There is an award for you on my site if you want it!

  2. I saw this this poor child's situation also. I didn't sense danger---I sensed pay back! This is across the street from my mom.

  3. hahaha... GOOD ONE - i shall try this with my boys' wii. i heard of a mom who poured a bag of large ball bearings that she'd stashed in the freezer into her son's bed because he'd never crawl out of it on time. that cured him. i'm taking a trip to home depot...

  4. Thanks for the idea, now I know what to do when Tyler won't get up!!

    Aunt Carrie


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