Saturday, February 14, 2009


So what does SAD mean to you? I heard a new one today.

Singles Awareness Day

Hee-Hee. I love it. I can remember quite a few Valentine's Day when I needed an alternative to the loving festivities.

Like, gag me with a silver spoon.

Sorry, I think I was channeling my inner Valley Girl.

My freshman year of college I was asked by a newspaper columnist what I planned on doing for the big holiday. My answer?

"Fill out my application for the convent."

Wow, I was sarcastic back then and didn't even realize it.

So in honor of today being SAD I want to offer up some alternatives to those pesky Conversation Hearts.

Depths of Hell instead of Cloud Nine

???? instead of Get Real-I really think this one goes both ways!

Can't Stand Him instead of Love Him

No Way instead of Yes Dear

Leave Me Alone instead of Melt My Heart

Blubber Butt instead of Honey Bun

Give Up instead of Dream

Who Are You instead of Miss You

Back Off instead of One Kiss

Skank instead of Nice Girl

Want Him? instead of My Man

Go Away instead of Go Girl

Forget Me instead of Call Me

Fry Cook instead of Top Chef

Buzz Off instead of Ask Me

Um, No instead of How Nice

Trying Again instead of One Love

Get Away instead of Let's Kiss

Creepy One instead of Dear One

Shut Up instead of Sweet Talk

Rotten Feelings instead of Sweet Love

URA DUD instead of URA 10

Nasty instead of Awesome...guess that one could go either way!

UR An Idiot instead of UR Kind

Crab Loaf instead of Sugar Pie

So Lame instead of So Fine

One I Loathe instead of One I Love

Bite Me instead of Melt Me

I'm So Sure instead of I'm Sure

You & Her or Him instead of You & Me

Give It Up instead of Spice It Up

It's Gas instead of It's Love

Delete Me instead of E-mail Me

My Curse instead of My Treat

Got Antibiotics instead of Got Love

Freak instead of Cutie Pie

Smirk instead of Smile

Never Cared instead of Over You

Live Without Me instead of Marry Me

To all of you who have found that person that fullfills you, makes your life complete, and makes you happy...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

And to those of you who are perfectly happy with your life just the way it is or who just haven't found that other person...HAPPY SINGLES AWARENESS DAY!!!!


  1. You are too funny! I learned something new today, hadn't heard of SAD!

  2. I am SAD....happy never the less!


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