Sunday, February 1, 2009

Phoenix-Day 5

The adventure was coming to an was time to leave Phoenix. I thought I'd enjoy my last free morning by sleeping in but as had been the case the whole trip, I woke up early.

Why does that happen on vacation but not when I'm home and have three hungry children waiting for me to wake up?

Go figure.

I slowly packed my bags and headed down to the lobby.

The majority of the Angels all live in the same town but there were some that were from out of state. Only one of the out-of-staters stayed the extra day. She took pictures with just about everyone before we headed to the airport. She is the mom of the Cute California/now Ohio Boys that spend some quality time in our pool every summer. Which makes my girls realllllly happy.

Since we had stayed the extra day we didn't have a ride available to get back to the airport. We could take taxis but with 17 of us, plus all the luggage girls need to travel with, it would have taken forever to get enough cabs. Katie (in the picture above) had flown in before the TNT buses were available and had ridden a bus that took her to the tram that dropped her a few blocks from the hotel. She convinced all but two Angels that we should go that way to the airport. I was of course convinced when I found out a taxi cost $20 and the tram $1.50.

Sign me up.

We had to look hilarious. 14 women, all dressed alike, all wearing medals around our necks, all pulling luggage, headed down the street. We got to the tram ticket kiosk and money started flying.

We finally all had a ticket and were waiting for the tram.

It finally came
and we loaded up and headed down the track.

At our stop we got could see the airport bus across the street. We all started waving at the driver to wait for us and luckily he did! I personally would have run away from a group like ours!

We of course had to take pictures as we were so proud of ourselves for our thrifty and adventurous trip.
We tipped the driver, there was no charge otherwise, and headed to check in.

After many hugs with Katie before she headed to a different terminal, we found ours and settled in.

I was still freaked out by flying but was calmed down by my friend Beth and started taking pictures.
Such a beautiful place! I would really like to go back some day and enjoy more of it. Oh, and not run 13.1 miles while I'm there.

The adventure was over. I was relieved and let-down at the same time.

But then I got to the airport and saw a really good looking guy and three beautiful girls waiting for me. I was even happier after the drove me to Braum's to get a burger and french fries and my first Diet Dr Pepper in almost 6 days.

It was good to be home!!

1 comment:

  1. I just love you, and your blog, oh so much!! We were a sight to behold, I can imagine!! It was hot, we were pulling luggage, walking what seemed like a half marathon, but we had a great time...not to mention we looked super cute doing it!! :D


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