Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't I Have The Best Friends?

In my journey with TNT, LLS, and all things half marathon I have been amazed at the generosity of friends, family, and even strangers! I wanted to share with you some of the sweet comments that I've had on my blog.

*It was great to see the completion of a project. Great job!-vgsmom

*Great job girl! You must remember... how many women in America can say they have finished a half marathon. You are in a small percentage. This was your first one of many and you trained in some less than ideal conditions. I want to hear more much earned pride in your next post. You did it! By the way, thanks for sharing it with us. Keep up the training.
*I am praying you through. What an honorable thing to do. You are going to do great. I can't wait to here your story.

*I am so proud of what you have done.*-Debbie S.

*Oh Steph I have tears in my eyes reading this post and looking at the photos. Your writing comes straight from your heart. And yes I am on the edge of my seat waiting for your next installment. You have made many life long friends and helped raise much needed funding in finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. You are my hero Steph.
*This event must be a life changing event for you Steph. You as such an inspiration, all the ladies who participated are amazing women. You all deserve all the accolades that were bestowed upon you.
*There was never a doubt in my mind Steph that you would complete it. What an achievement. Mitch must have been smiling.
*What an amazing journey indeed Steph.-Peggy

*You really are an amazing group!-Becky

*What a bunch of smokin' hot mamas! What a fun thing to do for such a great cause!-Beth M

*Hope it went great! Congrats as I am sure you did great.
*Congrats! That is awesome and quite an accomplishment.-Coachdad

*I thinking and praying for you!!!-Kelly

*Congrats! Can't wait to see pictures!-Jean

Aren't they precious? Thanks to everyone who commented, prayed, or just thought of me! I'm amazed at my new and old friends!


  1. Hi, i am totally a stranger to you, but i saw your comment on val guinns blog about your dog( val is in my ward) about your litter training your dog. we just got a new puppy, a shih tzu, and i would be very interested in hearing how you did the litter training. if you would like to give me a few tips on how you did it, i would be so grateful!! my blog is gillmanfive.blogspot.com.
    Meg Gillman

  2. Just ran across your blog and I like it..congrats on your marathon thats awesome!!!!! Love the pics that you share on your site too!!! I will be coming back to read more!!!

  3. You are a VERY sweet, thoughtful being Steph.....thats why you have so many friends.
    What is next on the agenda?


Comments?? I LOVE comments!