Saturday, January 3, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes...

While getting ready for the New Years party I had an audience. My cousin AJ was standing next to me watching intently.

As I was putting on my eyeshadow he told me, "You're pretty."

I smiled really big and thanked him.

He was quiet a few more minutes and then said, "And if I were older and you weren't my cousin, you'd be really pretty."

Isn't he cute?

I just love having a fan:C)


  1. Awwwe how littlest man is like that! He's always telling me how pretty I am....actually it is anyone with long hair that he likes.

  2. You have lots of fans. I would love to see a countdown to race clock on the site. Maybe Shawn can make that happen. Stay strong and keep running no matter how much spaghetti you have to hurtle to get through it.

  3. Your blog is so adorable. I loved this story. Sooooo cute. Kids are such a gift.

  4. Beautiful, touching story Steph.
    I am sure you have many more fans.


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