Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy New Year! Part 2

So how's everyone new year going? Keeping your resolutions? Don't ask about mine. I don't want to talk about it.

Moving on...

We again made a trip to Lubbock for a party. Third time in 6 months. They really know how to party down there!

Even though my uncle had just gone through two heart attacks in two weeks, they still planned to party.

Here are the tips they used to ensure everyone had a blast. You must have...

Festive headwear, eyewear, and noisemakers.


Food!A zip line.
Custom made signs.

And games I wasn't smart enough to play.
Well, I bet I could have played Foosball or pool, but not Fluxx or Set. My mind doesn't even think that way.

As always we had an amazing time in Lubbock. I'm hoping they have a Valentine's or St. Patrick's Day party so we can go back soon!

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