We found out at our 'thank you dinner' that when Tracy mentioned finding 40 friends to race with her John laughed and made a comment to the effect of, 'your friends won't do that.'
Boy did we surprise him!
He held up well on a five day trip that involved 49 women and just a few other men. The day we left we found out he'd written this.
Friends, Footsteps, Fighting, & "Feenix"
em>Greetings all.....i hope this note finds you finds each of you well. I am reporting this glorious morning on my last day in Phoenix......the temporary home of Mitchell's Angels and site of their most recent triumph!
As many of you can see as you have followed this blog......I haven't been writing nearly as much......I have just been "living" with nothing amazing to report. However, as I was awakened this morning by the creaking sound of nasal passages tightening around 5:30am.......I had time to reflect while enjoying a 2nd morning of lactic acid build up in my legs! LOL (Lactic Acid - it's not just for breakfast anymore?)
I love women. I really do. However, collectively - they present their own unique set of logistical challenges for my linear - ready, shoot, aim - hulk smash - let's get moving......mindset. They have an amazing need to build consensus among the group before making a decision. They can get to indescribable volume in a nano second......truly incredible to behold......and I have seen it A LOT the last 4 days! As I have gotten to observe this wonderful group of chicks over the last few days it has become readily apparent that they are little bit hypocritical.........because I can assure you that every dude reading this has gotten the "raised eyebrow" over their "boys will be boys" humor/jokes.......dude, women are just as bad - IF NOT WORSE - than we are! They like to laugh a lot at fart noises, glitter applications, & strange cacti. Refreshing to see......I feel like I have discovered a whole different universe. Good times, indeed!
You want to know what I really love about women.....especially these women?
They take care of each other. They love each other. They express themselves......and cry a lot....in a good way. They don't quit......they have each others back and aren't afraid to comment on each others backside :) I am so proud of these girls. I love their resolve and their willingness to get involved with a cause that is bigger than Tracy, bigger than Mitchell, bigger than all of us.......and getting "involved" meant a level of commitment, dedication, injury, and sacrifice of time greater than any of them had ever taken on before. Sunday was so wonderful..........because Chicks Win! Sunday was the culmination of a lot of hard work and I got to see so many dear friends that I love accomplish things that I never thought possible. Those are the moments in life that make it worth living folks. They have made my life richer just by allowing me to be a part. Tracy is chief among these "little indians"......she has been glowing all weekend......and clucking over her "flock".
Girls - I always believed in you. I just never believed that you would run. You have shown time and time again that you love our family - that you love my Mitchell - and you have gone above and beyond with grace, compassion, & beauty during the last 3 1/2 years......................so I wasn't surprised that you would want to get involved with Team in Training to raise money for a cure. I am shocked, humbled, and so very proud of you. I love you all. You "kept fighting".....regardless of your time.......you finished this race and honored my son.........and did yourselves proud. Mwah.
C'mon.........let's race. ~jwhit
Oh, and about the title of this post? Two days before we left John decided to run the race also. Since we were the 'Mitchell's Angels' he was dubbed the 'Little Devil'.
He wore the title proudly:)
I read this on his blog, and was just as touched now reading it as I was then! They both are such wonderful people and I feel so blessed to be apart of their lives!! John cracks me up about how loud we can get! Surely he was referring to the last night together when we were eating out! It got LOUD!! lol!
Hope the weather is better and you made it to Tulsa safe and sound!!!
Thanks Steph for including John's note for us to read.
I loved these words particularly:
"Involved with a cause that is bigger than Tracy, bigger than Mitchell, bigger than all of us"
Lovely photo of the three of you too.
What a nice thing to do for friends. Keep up the good work!
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