Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The end is near.

Oh yes. I'm in official countdown mode.

11 days until my half marathon.




We have been completely overwhelmed these last two weeks with information. I finally decided today to read some of it.

Here are just a few phrases that are striking fear into me-

*TNT will be offering shuttle service to the start line beginning at 5:30.
5:30!! In the a of m!!

*All half marathoners will need to complete the 13.1 miles in less than 4 hours or they will be stopped and shuttled to the finish line.
Wonder if I could stop at a roadside cafe, have some coffee, and just plan to be picked up by the shuttle...

*The medical team is a dedicated group of multidisciplinary professionals available to assess your needs and administrate acute first aid.
It would stink to get that far and then have an injury! And what in the world is multidisciplinary?

Here are a few phrases that are exciting me-

*Expect bands at every mile as well as 40 high school cheerleading squads.
All right!

*At the finish line participants will receive their finisher's medal.
I've never gotten a medal before!

*The victory party will have a light buffet dinner, dancing, and a cash bar.
They're giving away cash! What could be better? :C)

Well, once I sat down to type my fears there weren't as many as I expected! I have 3 other races under my fuel belt so there's really no fear about the race itself. I HATE to fly though so I have some fears about that. But flying with 40 friends will certainly take my mind off my impending death.

Now, if I can just remember everything I'm supposed to pack!


  1. 11 days! That's AWESOME. yeah, mine is something like 127 days away. Good thing too. Turning a sprinter into a distance runner has been quite interesting I must say. Good luck on your run. I know you'll do great.

  2. Love your sense of humour Steph!

    8 days to go now...

    "A multidisciplinary person is a person with degrees from two or more academic disciplines, so one person can take the place of two or more people in a multidisciplinary community or project team" says wikipedia!

    Don't forget to smile and have fun.


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