Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Look what I did today!

I've had the pleasure of spending the last few months in a Bible Study with an amazing group of ladies. After all the learning we always had lunch together and usually went shopping before heading back to pick up the kiddos. Bible Study ended two weeks ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one who had some serious withdrawals. That was solved today with

"Gabfest 2008."

After much eating of delicious goodies we settled down for some serious crafting.

Let me just say this disclaimer...I'm not crafty. I don't scrapbook, I don't sew, I don't cross stitch. Okay, I do basket weave, but that's an art!

Our project today was glass block/light/letter thingys. Yes, that's the technical term.

To make one you have someone buy the glass blocks and drill a hole in them.

Next you have someone buy Christmas lights and wooden skewers and spend an hour shoving the lights through a 1/2" hole.

After that you have someone with a really cool Cricut machine use vinyl that she bought to print out a scrolly letter or phrase for you.

And last, but not least, you have someone stick the letter on the block and oh so carefully squeeze out all the air bubbles and smooth it all out.

And really last, you use the ribbon that someone bought and tie a pretty bow. And when the other girls see the bow you've tied you suddenly have a reason and a purpose, and something to do while everyone around you is being crafty.


  1. I love these! I had seen them at many bazaars but never knew how they were made. I just have to try this :)

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you liked the soup. Personally I would have loved it with whipping cream! I read your profile and I think we're sisters (C:

    have a great day...can't wait to read more of your blog. Oh, and this idea is totally cute!

  3. Stephanie, these are so cool. How timely. They would make cool Christmas gifts. I glad you are back in girl therapy (Gab fest). It's great to keep up on the life and times. You should combine your photography and basket weaving and post some pictures of your baskets. To think, I was there when you wove your first basket. I'm glad you are still at it.


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