Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm done!!!

I'm done. Finished. Finito...I wish I could think of more words.

I have reached my fund raising goal!! That has worried me the most since the day I told Tracy I would do this. With so many of us from the same town, church, and school we were all hitting up the same people. Now there are only a few Angels who aren't done.

I want to thank all of you for your amazing generosity!

My wonderful husband, Shawn.
  • Peggy
  • Jennifer
  • AVTcoach
  • Janis Dawson
  • Dick & Jan Close
  • Kevin & Gretta Oliver
  • Anonoymous
  • Carrie Funk
  • Dawna Herron
  • Rex, Laurel, and Chelsea Henck
  • Don Cornwell
  • Claudetta Collins
  • Kristie
  • Gwen Ladd Hackler
  • David Long
  • Jason & Melodi McWilliams
  • Lorna Hamilton
  • Mark & Brenda Gassett
  • Galen Rice
  • Michael Parisi
  • Kathleen Stearns
  • Gail Evans
  • Jean Franklin
  • Bob & Barbara Close
  • Willa Smith
  • Michael & Joan Jenkinson
  • Harold & Martha O'Hair
  • Janie King
  • Myra Schubert
  • Robin
  • Pat Conrad
  • Jody Cunningham
  • Lou Skvarenina
  • Patty McDonald
  • Margaret Dawson
  • Phil Showalter
  • Milton Bates
  • Linda Springer
  • Joyce Wilson
  • Wayne & Ann Jordan
  • Susan Herron
  • Charlie Phillips
  • Cliff & Mary Petillo
  • Time & Elizabeth Taylor
  • Amy Hubbard
  • Jeff & Mary Lukaszek
  • Kristi Tidwell
  • Chalet Miller
  • Phil & Ann Showalter
  • Judy Diehl
  • Kent & Stephani Shellenberger

So many people! So many ways that they helped me. Whether it was buying cookies I made, donating things to two garage sales, coming to a Bunco party or kitchen tour, buying cookbooks, writing a blog about our cause, or just sending in a donation. How can I thank you all? I have been overly blessed.

Now I just need to focus on that pesky other part.

The running.

My running partner has almost checked out. Since October 26th she's run with me about 6 times. I call all the time and either get no answer or an excuse. I didn't realize how much I relied on the accountability of another person. Also, the wind is sweeping down the plains here in Oklahoma. And my chimney. 40 mph winds for two days straight. That combined with forecasted snow is forcing me inside. Well, that and the new white shoes! Running inside is harder on my body but at least is climate controlled!


  1. Congratulations!!!

    BTW - Love the new blog look. I really need to learn how to do that. I paid someone else to do my blog. But I'd really like to be able to do it myself, so I can change it when the mood strikes.

  2. That's awesome! My family and I (4 total) just completed El Tour de Tucson with TNT and had to raise $9600. It was such a relief to meet our fundraising's tough when you're all pulling from the same pool of people, like your team is. If I knew how to do cartwheels, I'd be doing them for you right now because I know the weight that has been lifted from your shoulders.

    Hey, is the information about your fundraising projects in your archives? I'm a new reader, so hearing about the things you did to meet your goal is new to me. I'm asking because I've decided to go back next season as a mentor/team captain and I want to give my mentees as many ideas as possible.

  3. Congratulations! I knew you could do it and I know just as well that you will run the race, undependable partner or not. You are so much stronger than you know. Remember, you are running for Mark now too. He still cant run yet so you run for him. You have already achieved the hardest part. Picture yourself successful because you are strong and confident and I want to see lots of pictures from the finish line. One foot in front of the other. You are an inspiration to us all.

  4. You did good Kid! That probably was the hardest part of your commitment.

    Mitch will be running with you on the day of the marathon, so you will be sailing along.

    Sorry to hear your running partner is not holding up her end of the bargain. That and the weather does make your training more difficult.

    I agree with are an inspiration to us all.

    Go Steph go, can you hear us all cheering!


  5. Becky, I don't know how else to get a hold of you! 4 people and $9600??? That's amazing! Thanks for the cartwheels, real or not. It's such a good feeling.

    As for fundraising...we had a *Bunco night. $15 and donated prizes. We had only women and had a blast!
    *Our group wrote a cookbook and hoped we'd sell 500, 1500 later we're turning people away!
    *We had a kitchen tour, 5 kitchens all with different themes.
    *A golf tournament
    *A watch party for the local university football game in a large theatre.

    Hope those help. I thin it might have been easier with the fundraisers because we had a big group. Lots of people to help out.

    I really admire you for going back as a mentor and coach. That's the unselfish giving part of it for me. Helping other people reach their goals and make a difference is amazing. You are inspirational!

  6. You left out your husband's name on the thank you list :-)


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