Wednesday, December 17, 2008

14 years!

Today is my 14th anniversary. I can't believe it. It seems like it was just a few years ago that we tied the knot. We were so young, 21 and 24. Now, three children, three houses, five cars, five jobs, two refrigerators, four comforter sets, and 10 paint colors later I am more in love with him. If I didn't have 14 things that had to be done today I'd spend more time on this, but he'll understand.

I love you honey!


  1. congrats - and you must have had somewhere along the way that you look like demi moore.

  2. Awww, you two are adorable! Great photos. Congrats on 14 years!

    And I love that you measure that time in how many kids, cars, houses and paint colors you've been through. lol

  3. Congrats! I can't believe how quickly time flies.

  4. Beautiful photos Steph.
    It's lovely to see two people so much in love.
    Thanks for sharing your Anniversary with your bloggy friends.
    Isn't it wonderful looking back on those early photos.....ahhhh the memories.
    I have just posted a piece on 'Reflecting on the Good Times'....very appropriate for the two of you.
    Take care always

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats on 14 and to many many more!!!

  6. What great years you have had! I pray for many, many more for you. I remembered that your anniversary was near, but, since my wings have been clipped, I did not get around to sending a proper greeting. I love you both. You are making a great life with a great marriage (and the wedding was beautiful)!

  7. Your marriage is a blessing to each other as well as your girls. Keep up the good work. The time sure flies by. Happy Anniversary!


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