Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's in a name?

I left something very important out of my 'Baby Names' post.

The meanings!

I loved the name McKinley and never thought to look it up and see what it meant. When Kennedy came home from the hospital I decided to look them both up.

Get ready.

McKinley-Gaelic-son of Finley

Kennedy-Gaelic-misshapen or ugly head

What had I done?

I was afraid, but had to look up Reagan before she was born.

Reagan-Gaelic-little king

Not again!

Who would have guessed they were all Gaelic? There are some other similarities. They're all last names and they're all unisex. I don't like that last part. The biggest similarity...all the meanings stink! What have I done?! Then it happened, I found a presidential website.

McKinley-son of the fair hero



So McKinley didn't improve much but Kennedy and Reagan were much improved!

Luckily the middle names saved us.

June-born in the sixth month


Teal-green/blue or duck

Wait, saved us? What was I thinking? My poor children.

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