Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am amazed at the amount of papers that come home from having three daughters in school.

Actually, middle school doesn't send any home so this is all elementary!

Good grief. This is two weeks worth.

Can we say 'dead trees'??


  1. Yes, but coming from a teacher, if we don't send them home, parents complain.
    I tend to 'recycle' a lot, instead of sending them home.

  2. At least you can recycle the "dead trees" so they can come back as another kid's school papers!

    Did we have this many papers when we were kids?!

  3. I homeschool and still go through a lot of paper. I don't like clutter, so as soon as they finish a worksheet and I grade it, it goes in the trash.

  4. I'm right there with ya with all the papers that come home!!
    I thought of you yesterday....of all places the eye doctors office, I was standing in line to check Marshall in and the lady in front of me grabbed a magazine, I was thrown off gaurd a little bit because as I was looking I was looking for the famously small Mag. The Readers Digest....low and behold the lady in front of me already beat me too it...it was the size of a regular magazine!!! That is the first time I'd seen it that way...either I haven't been to a doctors office in a while or I really haven't been paying good attention!!!!


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