Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I needed this...

The Saturday that I was winging my way to Enid our local newspaper came to our group run to take pictures and do an article on Mitchell's Angels. I was busy being a mom. This Saturday one of our local news stations came to video tape our run and interview some of the Angels. I again was being a mom. I had to take McKinley to her Honor Choir and Shawn was at work. I grumbled about it to myself all day long. I couldn't believe I was missing out on the second oppurtunity to be recognized for what I was doing. When I went to lunch with my aunt and McKinley I saw the newspaper article that my picture wasn't in. I grumbled some more.

Tonight the story was on the news. I knew I had to watch it. I'm glad I did. It's not about the recognition. It's not about pictures, or articles, or videos. It's about Mitchell, John, and Tracy and preventing other children and families from living through what they did. I know that now. I think I just grew up.

Watch this. It will change your life. It did mine.


  1. Stephanie, you and the other Angels are certainly an inspiration.
    You are not just 'talking the talk' you are 'walking the walk'!

    You are right, it is not about the recognition, it is about finding a cure for that dreadful disease so no other family have to endure what Tracy and her family have had to.


  2. Isn't it amazing how God uses instances like these to remember it's not all about us? It's definitely about HIM and how HE can use us for HIS purposes. You all are doing a wonderful thing and honoring what seemed to be an amazing little boy with an amazing family.


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