Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm babysitting for my favorite Kindergarten teacher today. She taught McKinley and Kennedy and then got married the summer after Kennedy was done. I met her new husband in the receiving line and told him they couldn't have children until Reagan was through her class. He didn't really know what to say. Luckily he listened to my advice and we found out they were expecting while Reagan was in her class. Sweet Judson came this summer.

He had quite a rapt audience this morning. They were so disappointed when they had to go to school. Now it's just Judson and and Judson.
He smells so good! He's 3 months so he's not mobile but very squirmy. We've had a lot of fun, and a photo shoot.

Have I mentioned he's squirmy? 30 pictures later, here's what I got.
I think I surprise him with the flash.
He also seems a bit worried about what Jackie 'O' is doing.
But oh sweet cheeks! He's just precious! I can't stop staring. I don't think I'll accomplish anything until after 3 o'clock today.


  1. What a cutie! I miss being around babies - not that I want another one!

  2. Lucky you Steph, what a beautiful bright-eyed little chap he is.
    Don't they smell just beautiful and have that soft, soft skin.....pity they grow up so fast.



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