Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm baaaaccckkkk!

Well, how funny was Shawn's blog? All I asked for was a quick note saying I was out of town with no internet. Instead I found out he's almost as funny as me!

But not quite.

Details to come about my girlfriends trip to Branson (and pictures!) but first I need your help.

My precious friend, Jen, who has an amazing, inspirational blog, has written about Mitchell and the Whitaker's and will donate $1 to me for every comment made. Please take a minute to read her post, wipe your eyes, and post a comment. By tomorrow I should be at $1,600. Shawn needs to deposit my garage sale money and some cash donations. That number is amazing! But not even halfway. Please visit her blog and help me get closer to my goal!

Stop by my fund raising page to see how far I've come and how much farther I have to go.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Go now.

Post a comment.

Are you still here?



************I can't get blogger to let me put in a hyperlink so you can click on the web addresses. You can look in the left column at my favorite blogs and click on Jen's link and for my fundraising page look at the top of the left column.


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