Friday, August 15, 2008

Why I Hate Target

I have never been a Target shopper. The majority of my friends are so I'm the odd one out. There clothes are smaller then the size said, the prices are considerable higher then other places, they don't have very good sales, and I can't get everything that I need when I go there. I make concessions every once in a while because it is smaller then Wal-Mart so for something quick I do go there.

Last night I needed to get school supplies and many friends had told me the prices there were low.

Off I went.

Could someone please tell me why they didn't have crayons?? Crayons, I mean really. They had to assume that they'd sell thousands and should stock up. And paper. No copy paper, no wide ruled notebook paper, only college ruled. Hello, another thing that is pretty popular, think they'd have plenty. And why wouldn't they have erasers? ANY erasers. Any shape, any size, any color. I wasn't going to be picky. Also, McKinley needed two 2-inch binders for middle school. Target had 3 to choose from. Solid colors. Ugly colors. Have I mentioned how much I hate Target? I went to three different areas of the store (don't you think they'd put everything in one place?) and still only found half of what I needed.

Okay, deep breath. I'm done griping. I'm moving on. I'm returning the ugly binders today. Wal-Mart had really cute ones to choose from.

Stay tuned. Coming up...Why I Hate Wal-Mart.

1 comment:

  1. You should have shopped Office Max! Wide ruled paper for .15! Many items buy 1 get one free or for .01!
    Your Aunt


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