Monday, August 11, 2008

Small Town Sunday Night

So after a wonderful Saturday night what do you do for an encore? You go to the Pastors and Staff versus High School Seniors softball game. Of course!

It had rained off and on throughout the day so it was a beautifully cool night. It appeared that God had parted the clouds so that He could watch!

Team Clergy was looking great in their matching t-shirts. Everyone was number 07 and the back of the shirts said 'Say Your Prayers'.After the prayer

everyone was ready to go. Pastor Stefanie, the only girl on the pastoral staff, was already giggling!

The first pitch was thrown out by a former student who is entering his third year at West Point. He said he flew in just for that. Don't really know if I believe him.

Remember this guy? He's an ump for all!For fan involvement they had hula hoop contests, race the pastor runs, and the forehead to the bat/spin/run thingy.

That's McKinley's softball couch doing it. He had to sit in the dugout for about 10 minutes to get his bearings back!

Our head pastor (in the blue hat) had some amazing hits. He's not just good at preaching! I wondered how he'd do since he was the star quarterback for our local high school team. Small world, isn't it?

So that was my Small Town Sunday Night. Can't wait for the next one!

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