Monday, July 21, 2008


Shawn played in a soccer game Saturday night that took a lot out of him. He came home with a bruised calf and a jammed, swollen, black and blue pinkie. It could have been because his wife is behind on laundry and he had to wear dress socks instead of soccer socks and it threw off his game...but let's not place blame here. He told me that he wouldn't be playing in the Monday night game because he needed a break. Woo-hoo! No need to do laundry!

When he visited a hospital (for work) on Monday morning he x-rayed his pinkie and found this.

Can you see the dislocation at the top of the x-ray? He decided to use a fluoroscope and watched while he, himself, pulled it out and back into position. That makes my stomach flip:(

Since his finger was fixed he decided to go ahead and play. Whoops, no time for laundry. So, more dress socks. See where his shin guard is sticking out a little? I felt guilty. But it didn't hold him back.

He was all over the field and even scored a goal.

It must be the secret to the teams success.Nate's socks didn't even match and he scored an amazing penalty shot!

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