Saturday, July 19, 2008

Herb Grilled Potatoes

As I mentioned in my last post, I was asked for a recipe. I tried to be a little Ree-like but don't think I could ever be like her. First of all, I don't have the nice new kitchen or all the fun dishes. But here's what we have.

Herb Grilled Potatoes

1/2 c. olive oil
1/4 c. butter, melted
1 envelope onion soup mix
1 t. dried thyme
1 t. dried marjoram
1/4 t. pepper
3 pounds red potatoes, quartered

To give the potatoes a head start after they're quartered, I boil them until just tender.

While those are boiling I mix the sauce.

I melt my butter in the wonderful Pampered Chef thingy. The lid keeps it from popping all over my microwave. I hate to clean the microwave. This thingy (yes, that's what I call it) was something that my mom ordered from a party right before she died. When some of her co-workers came to pay their respects they gave me her order. That makes this thingy extra special.

After everything is mixed in it looks like this-


Now, here's how I change things up a bit.

I add broccoli that is cut into florets and sliced mushrooms. Actually I add whole mushrooms if Wal-Mart isn't out of them!

**If I add the mushrooms and broccoli I only use two pounds of potatoes**

I give the broccoli about 3 minutes in the water with the potatoes, just because.

After the potatoes are slightly tender I drain it all and put it in an aluminum pan. Then pour the sauce on and stir it all together. The pan is really full but it will cook down quite a bit.

Now it's ready for the grill! Leave it uncovered because you will need to stir it from time to time. Over high heat it needs to cook at least 20 minutes but I've been known to leave it on for up to 40! I like it best when the potatoes are almost burnt.

Now, before I get questions as to what the stuff in the custard cup's onion soup mix. I have an allergy to Mono Sodium Glutamate and can't have pre-made soup mix. (And lots of other things! But that's a story for some other day when you're all very bored.) Therefore, I have to make my own. So that's what this weird concoction is.

I'm sitting next to the pool, slightly reclined, VERY full at this exact moment. It could be the two servings of veggies, or the burger, or cantaloupe...or eating almost a fourth of this.

Who knows:C)


  1. Ooh, yeah! I wanted that potato recipe as well, so thanks for sharing it!!

    Hope your visit with your friends is going well.

    Are you missing a red/pink polka-dotted towel? We wound up with an extra one this week (found it in my laundry, ha!) and I have no idea who we possibly stole it from. :)

  2. The recipe sounds yummy. Please don't forget the Tuna pasta recipe!
    Your Aunt, The Scrapbook Queen

  3. this looks so yum-o. i need to try it. the part about your mom and them giving you her order. She was thinking of you 'til the end. I laughed at the "Ree-like" line. I look forward to more posts like this, b/c I look at all that stuff PW does and I feel overwhelmed - like that pasta post. This is something I think I can do. More Rachel Ray. LOL.

  4. Looks great! Hope you don't give away all your secrets...just to me! hee, hee!

  5. The potatoes look yummy! Could you please share the soup mix recipe? My husband can't have all the sodium in the prepacked mixes, so we usually make our own of everything.


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