Friday, July 11, 2008

A busy Sunday

Last Sunday we took a quick trip to Gogo's and Grampa's for a birthday party. Several of our friends live in or near their town so we try to see them when we can. Shawn and I got to go have lunch with Rick and Angie while Gogo took the girls to church!

After lunch we took Shawn to The Center of the Universe. It's an oddity that can't really be explained. When you stand on it and talk your voice echoes in your head in the weirdest way. It's truly fascinating! The weirdest thing about it is that there are no signs or markings to tell you what it is. There's a large metal statue there also that has no explanation.

Shawn had quite a bit of fun. Instead of just saying "Hello" he had to use his announcer voice and entertain all of us.

Angie and I are both photographers and are always taking pictures so we never have one together. This time we made sure we did it. Don't you like how Rick snuck into it though?

The large black thing behind us is the mysterious statue. The statue does have some neat earrings attached to it. They're also good for some upper body work.

After saying goodbye to Rick and Angie Mom and I headed off to buy peaches. I'm the peach supplier for my friends. Every time we go to Gogo's and Grampa's during the summer we are expected to get them. It doesn't seem like summer until I get peaches.

My car smelled terrific!

They have the cutest high school boys to load your car. I certainly needed help since I bought 10 half bushels.
And as if the peaches weren't enough our next stop was to our families farm store. Even though they didn't grow the watermelons I still had to get one. I'm hoping that when we go back at the end of the month they'll have some homegrown ones!

The corn though was home grown and fresh picked! My mother-in-law and I decided to split a bushel.This was ours. Do you know how much corn is in a bushel? 60 pounds! I came home with 30 pounds of corn. Now my freezer is stocked with blanched corn, still on the cob, for the cold winter months when I need a little taste of summer.

As if all this wasn't enough to do on a Sunday, next we went to the birthday party which included shooting off an arsenal of fireworks.

That will come later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous, I want some corn!!
    Scrapbook Queen


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