Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Softball

I don't know how it happened that all three of our children ended up being sporty. I never played a sport outside of 'enforced sports' in PE in school. Shawn is incredibly sports minded (he plays for two soccer teams a week) but you'd have to think that with genetics we'd have a 50 percent shot of the girls being unsporty. I'm glad it didn't work that way. I always wish that I could play something. It would be fun to play on an indoor league like Shawn does. But I was apparently made to be the sport mom and wife.

McKinley decided last year that she wanted to play softball for our girls league at church. I could have fallen over. This from the child that played soccer one season but never actually touched the ball. When the coach placed her in her position she never moved. The look of sheer terror on her face was painful. But not only did she play softball for the girls league, she went on to the Mid-High co-ed league, and then to the school team when school started. She has definitely found something that she loves.

I love to watch her but since we live in Oklahoma...I wish it was a fall or winter sport. Summer is a miserable time to play anything outdoors. Yesterday the high was 94 and we had 30 mph wind gusts. Not exactly fun. We sat on a blanket on the ground by the outfield because of the dirt and rock that were blowing.

That slight haze is the filth blowing.

But......she looks so cute playing that it's okay:C)

And some of you may remember that Reagan gets a dollar a goal....yes, we do that for McKinley, too. In three games she's made $12.

This has to stop.

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