Sunday, June 29, 2008

No more stitches!

After 7 days of ugly black stitches in her chin Reagan was ready to have them taken out.

The novelty had worn off.

The ER told us to come back in 5-7 days to have them removed but we were going to be in Disney World.

Lucky for us we were going with a ER doctor!

There they are in Uncle Kevin's hand.

She was a very good patient and he was a very good doctor. Of course, I haven't gotten his bill yet!


  1. I got stitches in my hand my junior year of high school. I let Mark Sharp remove them in Mrs. Schwenke's English class. :)

    Thanks for the help yesterday ... more than that, I enjoyed just hanging out! We're looking forward to Thursday!

  2. Wait. I said Mrs. Schwenke. I meant Mrs. Schumann. :)
