Sunday, June 22, 2008

Disney-Days 1 and 2

If you will recall (oh, let me just tell you) my uncle and aunt offered us this Disney trip and even volunteered to come from Lubbock, Texas to pick us up and drive us there. They own a home built airplane so actually 3 of the 6 of them were flying. The other three (Aunt Carrie, Tyler (17), and Amelia (11)) drove here Monday night to pick us up. They were just lucky enough to get to go to the girls voice recital with us!

We left Tuesday morning and started the 20 hour drive there. My aunt Carrie (I might also refer to her as The Scrapbooking Queen), sorry Kristie, LOVES to take pictures. So if possible we would stop when we entered each state and take pictures with the sign.

Three of those girls would be my Oklahoma daughters. Notice the two little ones signing OU and the third trying to cover the word Texas. Yes, I'm proud!

Yes, I was looking for something to do.

It's always a good sign when Cracker Barrel has your family name in the crossword puzzle!

After spending the night in Gulfport, Mississippi and having breakfast with this guy-

we were off again!

To the outlet mall that is. Let's focus on what's important here folks. Since in our excitement we got there a little early we spent some quality time with the playground.

And what, you might ask, do you do when the playground gets you all sandy? Apparently you ignore all parental suggestions and find a puddle in the parking lot to clean off in.

Another state down! Louisiana missed out by ripping out their Welcome Center and getting rid of their sign. Their loss. We would have made Louisiana look good!

Imagine my excitement when I realized that my favorite Missouri restaurant, Lamberts, has an Alabama location! If you've never eaten there before, go now!! Stretch your arms first so that you'll be able to catch some rolls!

Warning***They serve A LOT of food! It will wear you out!

We found lots of interesting things to take pictures of at gas stations!

And found a dolphin friend to deflate and take to Florida. There are two girls behind there working on the deflation thing.

As we approached the Orlando area Carrie and I were the only two still awake. The excitement gave way to exhaustion.

This is right before she threw up.


Sometimes I hate being a mom.

They did all wake up to walk into our room in The Boardwalk and each spent some time on the patio overlooking the pool.

McKinley of course showered first while I started a load of laundry. We all crashed around 2 am and were up a few hours later to get started on all things Disney!


  1. Yay, you're home!! I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all the details ... then when you're done, I need you to come over here and help me with these stupid Photoshop actions that I can't figure out to save my life. Pretty please?? I'll even buy you City Bites!! :)

  2. We just came back from Disney. Oh, we loved it! Hope you all had a fabulous time!


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