Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Beach! (for 30 minutes)

Because we wanted to do 'all things Disney' while we were there we decided not to spend a day at the beach and Kennedy Space Center. Kennedy was saddened at first but excited that her Daddy would be able to go with her if we waited and went in two years. Uncle Kevin surprised us on the way home and took a detour to Pensacola Beach. All my girls have been to a beach before. McKinley went with my aunt and uncle 6 years ago and spent some time at Amelia Island and we all traveled to my dad's 5 years ago and spent some time at Gold Beach in Oregon.

Interesting facts about Gold Beach:

-the sand is black

-there are no shells, only rocks

-the water is freezing

-the wind is so hard that you understand what sandblasting is

But this beach....was perfect. Bathing suits were packed and time was short but we had fun!

And just because I didn't want to get out of my recliner....and I love Pioneer Woman's actions....I'm blessing you all with three different versions of my feet!!

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