Thursday, May 22, 2008

True Love

Oh how deeply in love I am. It's a love I've never felt before. It's new, and exciting, and gets better everyday.

Sony - Cyber-shot 9.1-Megapixel Digital Camera - Black

Oh yes, I'm in love with my camera. And of course the man that gave it to me!!

I've decided since I've been given such a wonderful gift I should definitely get the most out of it. I have been reading and have fallen in love with her photo taking advice and Photoshop tutorials. Also Shawn has blessed me again with Photoshop CS3 and now I hardly leave the couch! Except to take more pictures!

Here are some I took on the way home from picking up Reagan and of course Photoshopped when I got home.







I'm still learning...I probably will be for years to come! I only used Pioneer Woman's free action set to do these. I need to learn to venture out on my own and start playing around with settings.

But for now......I'm having fun!

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