Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's that time of year!

Yes, it's that time of year. The time that the girls love the most. It's summer time!

The new trampoline parts came, the trampoline is ready to go.

The Magnolia is blooming. The backyard has a heavenly scent.

The pool doesn't look like this anymore.

Or this.
It is still green but it's getting better!

Thanks to my cute pool boy!

It's time to get the furniture ready.

Let the staining begin!

These chairs, built by a wonderful neighbor, just needed a little TLC.

And yes, I'm aware that I need to work out my legs more!

Look what I accomplished today!

I also stained this and another table I didn't get a picture of.

But what the girls don't like about summer is...

Taking care of the massive amount of leaves that the Magnolia drops. Although it is an evergreen it loses leaves in spring. It doesn't drop one unless there is a new one to take it's place. Now you can say that you learned something today!

I am sure that they are going to call DHS on us anyday now to say that we work them too hard. It takes a long time to pick up that many leaves! After we do the first massive cleaning they have to clean one of five areas each morning before they swim. You cannot imagine the complaints!

But I doubt though that they work as hard as Shawn and I do!

And yes, I'm aware that I need a pedicure!

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