Thursday, April 17, 2008

Couch to 5k

***I originally wrote this blog September 12th on my myspace page. It will let you know what I was going through during the 9 weeks of training.***

I'm a quitter. If you're going to read my blog you need to know that about me. I pride myself on being able to talk myself out of doing just about anything that I don't like.

I am currently 4 weeks into a 9 week running program that I have started so that I can run in the Race for the Cure on October 20th. I will finish the day before the race if I stay on schedule.

I have tried this program before and, of course, quit when it got hard. This time I have made it farther then before and I refuse to quit. This time I have motivation, a reason, and a purpose.

My mom died of breast cancer almost 12 years ago and I'm doing this in her memory. Every time it gets hard I can think of her and it just keeps me going.

I need you all to hold me accountable! Check on me, question me, see how I'm doing! I hope I'll appreciate it:C)

***I should mention at this point that I was truly blessed to have a friend that was also doing the training. She lost her mother when she was 12 to a brain tumor. When I explained to her what I felt God was telling me to do she immediately told me she would join me. What I didn't know then was the she had been a runner before and had even done a half marathon! She's currently my hero:) Because she worked full time we were only able to run together once before the race but her e-mails kept me motivated and on track.***

More to come!


  1. 35 years ago on Feb. 2nd my Grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer. The next month, my Mom found out she was pregnant with me. I was named after my Grandma. I miss her even though I never knew her. Breast cancer robbed me of a relationship with, what I've been told, a wonderful woman.

    I will be walking the Race again this year in her memory. I bring my oldest daughter with me.

    I had heard about your Mom. I am sorry.

    Beth Miles

  2. As hard as it was for you to lose your mom, it must have been 10 times harder for her to leave you. I always think of this when I recall your story about how she died so young, 54?? I love your blog.


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