Sunday, April 27, 2008


Yesterday I got another chance to have a good birthday! Growing up my parents always took me to the Arts Festival downtown to celebrate my birthday. I would eat an Indian Taco and Funnel Cake and they would buy me a wooden crayon and pink carnation from the kids area. My mom would of course sing, 'A White Sports Coat and a Pink Carnation'. I would groan and look around to see if anyone could hear her. Oh how I wish I could hear her sing that song again.

After a soccer game yesterday morning we headed downtown. When I see these...

I know I'm there!
We were meeting friends there but since they'd had a late breakfast and weren't hungry we said, "Forget them!" and headed straight for the food lines! Yes, I had my Indian Taco, and it was terrific! Tasted just like it does every year. Sadly I was too full to eat the Funnel Cake so we went about seeing what else there was to do so I could work up a hunger!

We looked at most of the artists booths. I found a basketweaver whose baskets looked just like mine. The only difference was that mine are about $200 less! It inspired me to get back at it! Maybe next year I'll have my own booth!

We watched a glass blower who had made this. The girls were amazed! I just wondered how he would pack it to take it home.

We wandered over to the gardens to see what we could see.

We found...

Then we stopped and took some time to just watch.

Then for a change of pace...hill rolling!

Oh, and hill flipping.

Personally, I enjoyed hill sitting.

Then to the waterfall for some rock climbing.

Aren't they cute???

And of course the Rhodedendron Dome. I have a picture of myself in this dome in 1991. I had on skinny jeans, half boots, a sports bra, and a patchwork jacket. Don't mock me, it was the style!

And by then, I was ready for my Funnel Cake!

Okay, I know. You can barely see the Funnel Cake. I was floored by the size of this Bratwurst!

Our last thing we wanted to do was play in the fountains. It was the highlight last year. Sadly, they were off limits this year. To make up for it we drove over to Bricktown, went to Sonic for Happy Hour (that made my day!), and played in the fountains there. Shawn dropped us off at Sonic and we walked along the canal to get to the fountains. This is what we saw when we got there. Apparently he had made a new friend!

After I showed him this picture he came up with the idea for some more.

The girls had a blast! They all got a little wet.

But after 4 hours of fun...they were all pretty tuckered out.

All in all, it was a fun day had by all!

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